
I think at some point in my life I decided there were two types of people: people that didn’t push themselves hard enough and never reached their potential, and the other people that pushed themselves too hard and gave all they had. It was an easy choice for me - I would much rather push myself too hard than fall short of the person I could be. I thought holding myself to extreme standards of righteousness and perfection was what made me strong. I wore my busy schedule and stress as a badge of honor. This sounds terrible, but I thought people who practiced self-acceptance and self-care were so dumb! I actually remember thinking to myself “they don’t get it.” Overtime I think that process of thought began to weigh very heavily not only on my mind but on my body. I started having these little.. Well I know now I was having anxiety attacks, but at the time I thought it was just dramatic episodes because I was weak and not working hard enough. So every time I was having a panic att...