
"Coming to BYU in 2010 I remember I thought all my problems were going to go away. I was moving to a different state, looking forward to making new friends, and was going into a far better environment than when I was in Las Vegas. I honestly thought that I could start anew and my problems wouldn’t follow me.. Well, I was wrong. What I learned is that you are still yourself no matter where you go. You can move, change your phone number, get new friends, and do all of that, but you are still you, until you’re truly honest with yourself so you can change your core.. I started using drugs when I was 15 in Las Vegas. I never thought I had any mental illness problems. I had friends, a good family, and I didn’t cry in my bedroom every night. I didn’t have any mental problems, I had a drug problem. In Provo I still struggled with my self-esteem, I still wanted to use drugs and alcohol, I still struggled with girls, and I was still an addict. Just moving to Provo did not chang...